Common Employer Attacks to Be Prepared For When Trying to Start a Union

In election after election, the union has seen companies use the same old attacks to fool you about the union.

You must be prepared for these attacks if you want to win your right to a union and a voice at your job. If not, you and your coworkers will be fooled by the lies and promises of the company.

If you want a union, keep reading and discuss this with your coworkers. Keep score of the company’s scare tactics on your Union Buster Bingo Card below.

Other companies have scared workers with these threats and promises before. Only after the union was defeated did workers realize that the threats were hollow and the promises empty.

Trick #1: Worksite Closing
Supervisors and company officials will tell you that your worksite may close because of the union. They will tell you that a union is bad for business - anything to make you fear you’ll lose your job if you vote for the union.

It is illegal for the company to close or even to threaten to close the place in which you work because the union is voted in. Companies go out of business for economic reasons - and they almost always have nothing to do with a union.

If Half Price Books is in really bad financial shape, let them prove it by showing their books.

Trick #2: Strike Talk
Your supervisor or other company officials may tell you that the union will force you out on strike - whether you want to or not.

They will tell you that during a strike you can lose your job forever. They will ask you how your family will survive if you are forced out on strike.

When the company threatens that the union will force you out on strike, they are breaking the law.

The union doesn’t force you out on strike. A strike is a decision voted on by you and your coworkers. In fact, 2/3 majority is necessary for a strike to occur.

Only 1 location out of over 150 locations UFCW 227 represents has gone on strike in the last 25 years.

Trick #3: Dues Blues
The company will tell you that the union just wants your money. They may lie about the amount of dues you will pay as a UFCW 227 member.

Any organization needs to raise funds to function and unions are no different. Unions are 501(c)5 non-profit organizations.

Dues are a weekly contribution to the union from your paycheck that takes effect only after a contract is negotiated and ratified by a majority of your coworkers. Dues pay for things like the cost of negotiations and enforcement of your new contract.

Trick #4: Violence
The company will try to scare you by saying the union will bring violence and conflict.

Near election time the company may cause problems or conflicts, then blame it on the union.

UFCW 227 exists to solve problems peacefully. With UFCW 227, regular working folks and management sit down as equals and discuss problems that come up. This does not create violence, it avoids it.

Trick #5: Union Bosses
The company will tell you that the union will take your dues money to pay the high salaries of union bosses.

They will say that you will never benefit from any of this money.

UFCW 227 financial decisions are made by the local union’s Executive Board, which is made up of a majority of union members like you. Unions provide annual financial reports to their members and are subject to oversight by the Department of Labor. Unions are also non-profit organizations. Would Half Price Books disclose every penny they earned and spent to you and their customers each year?

Trick #6: No Contract
The company will tell you that they won’t ever sign a contract even if you vote for UFCW 227.

Since it is illegal for the company to say this directly, they may say, “Remember, we don’t have to agree to what you want in a contract.”

Your Company is legally required to negotiate with the union you choose.

Nearly every company talks tough before workers organize. But it’s in the company’s best interest to keep its employees satisfied and keep the work flowing.

After you present your employer with reasonable contract proposals, an agreement usually occurs.

Trick #7: Bargaining from Scratch
The company will tell you that when you negotiate a contract, you’ll lose the wages and benefits you already have.

Although it is illegal, the company will say you’ll be bargaining from scratch.

When you negotiate a first contract, you start with the pay and benefits you have now and build on them.

You’ll decide what to ask for in your contract, and then vote on it.

The strength of your contract will depend on the strength and participation of you and your coworkers in your union.

Trick #8: A Second Chance
Your supervisor or manager will come around asking for another chance to change problems on the job.

The company may tell you that they didn’t know you and your coworkers were dissatisfied.

Your supervisor will start treating you better and show new concern for your well-being.

When workers give the company a second chance, they are always bitterly disappointed. If the company wins, nothing changes.

When this happens, many workers ask the union for a second chance to vote yes for the union. In most cases, you have only one chance to win your union. Don’t be tricked out of it.

Trick #9: Promises
Your supervisor will suggest to you that you can get a promotion or better pay if you support the company.

The company will give you special attention and favors if you turn against the union.

The special treatment will end on election day. Many workers who are tricked by the company find themselves treated just as poorly as their coworkers after the union loses an election.

Trick #10: Anti-Union Committee
Before the union election, a so-called “Vote No Committee” will mysteriously appear.

The Anti-Union Committee will do the company’s dirty work. They may pass out literature filled with company lies about the union, or they may spread rumors and insult coworkers who support the union.

The Vote No Committee members may be recruited from friends or relatives of someone in management. Usually, they are promised special treatment or a promotion.

The company knows that if you and your coworkers are united, you can stand up and win your rights. The aim of the Anti-Union Committee is to divide people and create hatred.

The company tries to divide us, but the union brings us together. Don’t let it happen to you.